Thursday, August 23, 2007

Photoshopped Animals - Very Cool

Whoever did these is very good at photoshop, you just have to see for yourself.

Photograph of a lightbulb burning out

To create the shot, my friend Harley and I removed the glass enclosure of a standard household lightbulb (while leaving the innards intact) and powered it up in a pitch black room. The result was an immediate burn-out, which we were all to ready to photograph.

8 diseases that give you superhuman powers

Diseases that give you: Photographic memory, a connection to God, New senses, Unlimited Euphoria, Immunity to Pain...

Chuck Norris - If I am elected president

Chuck Norris details his campaign promises if he ran for president. Yes, Chuck Norris really wrote it.

Ripped off homeowner takes a stand!

A homeowner gave contractor Jon Drewniak of Home and Garden $6000. towards a landscaping job.The contractor took the money, only did about $500. in work and never returned to complete the job. He also laughed when the homeowner requested the rest of the money back. Now the story is posted for the whole world to see!

Is there something wrong with this picture?

I was flipping through my brothers "Bill Gates" book (he's 8) and found this picture. I found it quiet hilarious. Can you spot whats wrong?

Oops, iPhone Display Needs to Reboot, Runs Windows XP [PIC]

Hey PC fanboys, now you can use this shot of a Windows XP display at an AT&T store when those smug Mac worshipers tell you about how such-and-such Zune commercial was made on a Mac, and how "all media types and artists" use Macs. Windows runs the world, baby.

Digg Trademark Fun

A while ago our trademark attorney approached us and was concerned we could lose the name 'digg'. I had no idea this was possible as we had already filed for the trademark...

Results from EVERY myth ever tested on MythBusters!

Will a penny dropped from a skyscraper kill a pedestrian? Does urinating on an electric fence cause electrocution? Can an obese person can get stuck on an airline vacuum toilet? Will a car engine be destroyed when sugar is put in the gas tank? (Plus hundreds more results from MythBusters.)

Save Internet Radio from the RIAA

Earlier today the new royalty rates for streaming radio stations were announced. A station with 1000 listeners will now have to pay $150,000 a year in royalties. This effectively forces independent webcasters off the air. The worst part: the rates are effective retroactively to the beginning of 2006! Help us get this senseless policy overturned!

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Best Buy Secret Employee Only Website Shows Different Prices From Real Site

Have you ever found a deal at Best Buy's website only to travel to the store and find that the "sale" is over? Did the Best Buy employee show you "proof" on their "website"? It now seems that there are really TWO, separate websites — and they're identical except for the prices.

A set of REALLY spectacular desktop wallpapers

If you're a lover of beautiful desktops, check out this site... they've been gathering since 1994 and there are still only 96 wallpapers that have made the grade... so they're REALLY good.

Teen stabs burglar with samurai sword after trying to steal his PS3 W/video

"Once I saw him take off running back, I jumped off my (bunk) bed and I grabbed my sword … and I just waited for him,"

RIAA LOSES - Orderd to pay $68,685.23 in Legal Fees

RIAA member Capitol Records to pay legal fees for the first time - ever.

I hate Macs

you have to love British humor...

One of the worst Photoshop mistakes I've seen so far! (Pic)

Poor Jessica Simpson haha

Reporter Arrested on Orders of Giuliani Press Secretary

Manchester, NH - Freelance reporter Matt Lepacek, reporting for, was arrested for asking a question to one of Giuliani's staff members in a press conference. The press secretary identified the New York based reporter as having previously asked Giuliani about his prior knowledge of WTC building collapses and ordered his arrest.

Massive list of sites all self learners should know about!

Large list of the best sites for people that like learning online.This is a resubmission because it got 3 votes but... 261 Votes on reddit and 728 saves on I say give it another chance.

The Complete Ownage of a Woman

I'll try to sum up a funny story that happened a few years ago: I got a vasectomy. I met a girl soon afterwards. She was nice and attractive but with a selfish streak that raised a big red flag. She was 32 at the time and I could practically HEAR her biological clock ticking. Regardless, she was a good lay, easy on the eyes, and reasonably g...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Best Places to Get Free Books

Wowio - Public domain, free legitimate copyrighted materials

Monday, August 13, 2007

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Open Source Web Design Templates & Tools

The open source is a great way to implement the newest ideas and latest concepts into design...

Monday, August 6, 2007

Most Useful Firefox Addons

Some Addons integrate search and bookmarking, others provide ways to view and take notes, some make minor, but wonderful adjustments…

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Best Freeware Design Software

Image editing, Ilustration, Authoring Tools, Animation, 3D Modeling & CAD.....